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Combine the power of information in National News with a global perspective in Global Pulse to get a fuller understanding of how we can work hard to retain America’s position as the leader of the free world. Subscribe to both newsletters to get a clear understanding of how national and global politics and other news events affect each other.

Electric Car Company Bankrupt

( - Following Joе Biden’s aggressive push for the liberal green agenda, electric vehicle manufacturer Fisker declared bankruptcy amid a broader downturn in the electric vehicle market. Fisker, which had previously halted production earlier this year to secure essential funding, said it doubted its continued...


( - The international shipping community has been rocked by a violent incident when Iran-backed Islamic terrorists attacked and sank a major vessel in the Red Sea. The M/V Tutor—a Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned and operated bulk cargo carrier—was struck by an uncrewed surface vessel (USV) and...

Elon Musk: ‘I’m In DANGER!’

( - Being a huge celebrity has its perks but also its downsides, as Tesla mogul Elon Musk revealed he is in constant danger. At Tesla's recent annual shareholder meeting, Musk discussed receiving death threats and compared his experience to the tragic fate of Beatles...

Ratings Crash – No One’s Watching!

( - When compared with the total population in the U.S., basically no onе decided to tune in and watch the Tony Awards this year. The Tony Awards witnessed a declinе in viewership for the second year in a row, as it only managed to...

GOP Slams THIS Biden Order

( - After saying he could not address the border crisis without receiving more powers from Congress, Republicans are slamming Joe Biden’s recent executive order benefiting illegals already in the country. Biden’s new move simplifies the process for illegal spouses and children of U.S. citizens...

Biden’s Weaponization of IRS Expands – DETAILS

( - Doubling down on his efforts to target Americans’ already battered pockets, the Biden administration expanded the weaponization of the Internal Revenue Service...

JAIL TIME For Yellowstone Incident

( - For trespassing near a geyser at Yellowstone National Park (YNP), a tourist received a seven-day jail sentence. As announced by prosecutors last week,...

They Win AGAIN!

( - In a defining moment for the Boston Celtics, the team surpassed the Los Angeles Lakers after clinching their 18th NBA championship, the...

Trouble for Biden – SHOCK Poll Findings!

( - Less than five months away from the presidential election, Joe Biden is finding himself in deep waters after a shocking poll revealed...

HUGE BREAKTHROUGH in 43-Year-Old Murder Case

( - Citing evidence that a former police officer may have committed the crime, a Missouri judge has overturned the 43-year-old conviction of Sandra...

Judge Makes FINAL Ruling – It’s Over!

( - In a move bound to shock and anger his millions of supporters, Infowars radio host Alex Jones will see his personal assets...

Trump’s Age Newsworthy Today

( - The former president’s age is currently front-and-center in the national landscapе, as Donald Trump turns 78 today. Both he and 81-year-old Joe Biden...

Fetterman Does WHAT While Driving?

( - After causing a car crash that could havе been fatal, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman has developed a reputation for unsafe driving habits,...

Biden Sued

( - Spelling more trouble for an America-last administration, three groups representing business interests have initiated legal action against Joe Biden. The American Petroleum Institute...

Hillary Stuns Progressives

( - Doubling down on her polarizing figurе, Hillary Clinton has stunned progressives by endorsing a moderate Democrat instead of an incumbent far-left Squad...

Global Pulse helps you stay aware of events around the world, and America’s position as a global leader in an economic sense and in cultural and military superiority. Global Pulse keeps you aware of threats to our way of life happening around the globe so you can ensure our politicians are held accountable for making reliable decisions related to foreign policy and global affairs.

Combine the informative Global Pulse with National News to get a complete picture of domestic and foreign issues, tailored to help Americans remain particularly aware of news concerning personal freedoms and liberties.

Just In

Lib City Declared Transgender Sanctuary

( - Wanting to becomе the liberal movement’s poster child, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors announced that the city is now a sanctuary for transgender and non-binary individuals. This move makes San Francisco the largest U.S. city to officially provide such a designation. San Francisco's...

Union Leader Under Investigation

( - Following a severe bribery and embezzlement scandal, United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain is currently under scrutiny by a court-appointed monitor tasked with eliminating corruption within the union. In his latest report to Judge David M. Lawson, monitor Neil Barofsky mentioned that his...

Infamous Dem in Big Trouble

( - The far left is seeing its base turn its back on them, as extreme-liberal and infamous Squad member Representative Jamaal Bowman finds himself significantly trailing behind his opponent. Bowman is facing hopeful George Latimer in the race for the Democratic primary in New...

Trump’s Pick Wins

( - Marking a huge win for true America-first patriots, retired U.S. Army captain and Purple Heart recipient Sam Brown decisively won the Republican primary for U.S. Senate in Nevada. The Associated Press confirmed Brown's win shortly after the polls closed. His victory gained momentum...

They’re Embracing Trump

( - In light of the Biden administration’s hostile policies toward business interests, Wall Street leaders are increasingly rallying behind former President Donald Trump. According to Politico, several top finance figures who had previously distanced themselves from Trump are now supporting his bid for re-election. Republican...

Latest News

Biden’s Deal Endorsed

( - Having to resort to the United Nations to score a win in the international arena, Joe Biden’s deal for a temporary ceasefire...

Term Limits for This?!

( - After 17 years, several leading Senate Republicans are demanding term limits for their next leader as 82-year-old Mitch McConnell prepares to retire...

NBA Superstar Dead (Video)

( - Known for his timе with the Philadelphia 76ers and the Chicago Bulls, celebrated Hall of Fame forward Chet Walker has passed away...

DeSantis Wins Fight

( - Scoring a huge win against liberals, the Florida Supreme Court supported Governor Ron DeSantis's decision to suspend progressive state attorney Monique Worrell. The...

Illegal Immigration on Ballot in Key State

( - Shielding the initiative against a highly likely Democratic veto, voters in Arizona will soon decide on extensive border security measures through a...

Hunter, James Biden Referred for Prosecution

( - Following a thorough probe seeking accountability, House Republicans recommended criminal charges against two members of Joe Biden's family—his son Hunter Biden and...

Trump Now Leading In This All-Important State

( - Democrats are in full panic modе, as a recent Quinnipiac poll reveals that former President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in...

D-Day Anniversary Tragedy

( - In a tragic turn of events, a 102-year-old American veteran of World War II passed away whilе traveling to France for the...

Both Sides Hate Biden’s Order

( - Fighting a losing battlе of his own making, Joe Biden faced significant backlash from both political sides after he announced a new...

Famed Reporter Dies

( - In sad news for the journalism landscape, Politico chief economic correspondent and CNBC well-known figure Ben White has passed away. As confirmed by...

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Daily Email News is a great way for hard working, busy, Americans with traditional values to receive convenient and regular news updates. Centered around issues pertaining to individual rights and freedoms, Daily Email News is here to ensure Americans are armed with the news they need to make decisions in their daily lives and at the voting booth. As citizens, it’s our job to keep an eye on what politicians and diplomats do at home and abroad. We’re here to help.

Subscribe to Daily Email News for updates about the latest domestic news, including legislation affecting personal freedoms. We also cover major world events and America’s prominent place in peace and global policing. You aren’t going to want to miss a thing.

Editor's Selection

Dems to Biden: Stay Away!

( - In the run-up to the 2024 elections, it seems that some Democrats in Congress are trying to put some space between their...

70 Arrested

( - Extreme leftists are getting out of hand with their demonstrations, as San Francisco police detained 70 pro-Palestine protesters after they occupied a...

93-Year-Old Rupert Murdoch Did What?!

( - Signaling hе has no plans to slow down any time soon, 93-year-old media mogul Rupert Murdoch recently married retired molecular biologist Elena...

Hunter’s Trial Starts; Facing 25 Years in Prison

( - With a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison, jury selection is set to begin today in Wilmington, Delaware, marking the start...

Biden ‘Looking Closely’ at New Mass Vaccination

( - In a move that would likely outrage conservative Americans after the general mess surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, President Joe Biden is considering a...

RFK Jr. Attacks Biden, Trump, and CNN

( - In an infuriating move, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has equated Donald Trump with Joe Biden and CNN as he...

$220K Raised for This 90-Year-Old Veteran

( - Highlighting the shocking economic hardships our veterans are facing, a kindhearted person decided to take matters into her own hands to raise...

Biden Sets Another Bad Record

( - Although he claims he has fixed the economy, Joe Biden just set a new bad record as home prices in the United...

Hunter Biden Rejected

( - With his trial set to start next weеk, Hunter Biden's attempt to dismiss federal gun charges against him on Second Amendment grounds...