They’re Embracing Trump

( – In light of the Biden administration’s hostile policies toward business interests, Wall Street leaders are increasingly rallying behind former President Donald Trump.

According to Politico, several top finance figures who had previously distanced themselves from Trump are now supporting his bid for re-election.

Republican donor and Point Bridge Capital head Hal Lambert reflected a change in attitude towards Trump’s impact on democracy.

“I don’t know that anyone really believed he was a threat to democracy.” Initially backing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Lambert now supports Trump and he is not alone in this shift.

Hedge fund head Nelson Peltz, hotelier Robert Bigelow and Blackstone Group’s CEO Stephen Schwarzman have all thrown their support behind Trump.

Other influential figures like Bill Ackman and Ken Griffin of Citadel are also reconsidering voting for Trump.

Wall Street and Silicon Valley are increasingly frustrated with Biden’s appointees like Lina Khan at the Federal Trade Commission and Gary Gensler at the Securities and Exchange Commission, whom they view as “antagonistic.”

New York-based radio station owner and real estate investor John Castimatidis openly supports Trump, saying he “is a much better choice than what we have now. Just check out the four years that Trump was in office versus the three years that President Biden was in office.”

Former Treasury official and Republican fundraiser Eric Levine revised his previous stance against Trump due to the criminal cases against him while Sequoia Capital’s Shaun Maguire showed his support by pledging $300,000 after Trump’s guilty verdict.

The Trump campaign announced it raised $141 million in May, with a significant portion following the May 30 verdict.

“Donors big and small are coming to the table to support President Trump because they realize Joe Biden is weak and dishonest, and America cannot afford four more years of his failed policies,” said Trump’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt.

Additionally, Trump has begun to attract support from Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. Tech executive and former Trump ambassador Trevor Traina noted Trump’s stance on cryptocurrency: “He said he would be the crypto president.”

Meanwhile, Palantir analytics advisor Jacob Helberg said, “President Trump made clear that the Biden-Gensler crusade against crypto will grind to a halt within one hour of a second Trump administration.”

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