New Poll Spells Disaster For Biden/Dems

Joe Biden

( – President Joe Biden and the Democrats seem doomed in the 2024 elections as former President Donald Trump is capturing a substantial portion of the likely black voter demographic, according to the results from a new survey by pro-left pollsters.

The latest New York Times/Siena College poll indicates that Trump has garnered the support of 26% of likely black voters, The Daily Caller reports.

That is a marked increase from the mere 5% of black registered voters who supported him prior to the last presidential election, according to a June 2020 New York Times/Siena College poll.

This group of voters expresses considerable disillusionment with the current state of the nation under President Joe Biden, with 67% believing the country is heading in the wrong direction, while only 26% view it as on the correct path.

Despite these figures, the poll details that 57% of likely black voters still identify as Democrats, 30% as independents, and a mere 8% align with the Republican Party.

Van Lathan, a former TMZ personality, commented during an interview with Don Lemon that black Americans are gravitating towards Trump because he “is the most crystal-clear example of the American Dream” and because “they don’t feel particularly inspired by Joe Biden.”

“They don’t see things changing in their neighborhoods, and the political promises they’re aware of from Joe Biden, they can see very obviously that they didn’t happen,” Lathan elaborated.

Historically, black Americans have shown strong support for the Democratic Party.

In the 2020 election, 87% of black voters supported Biden, while Trump secured 12%, as reported by the Roper Center.

During the 2016 election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton received 89% of the black vote, compared to Trump’s 8%.

In pivotal swing states, 30% of black male voters registered say they will definitely or probably support Trump in the 2024 election, while Biden has the support of approximately 57%, according to a March Wall Street Journal poll.

“Biden is further off than where we have seen Democrats in the past,” observed Michael Bocian, a pollster, to The Wall Street Journal.

“I think winning back more black men is going to be key for him,” he stressed.

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