Lib Gov’s Approval Rating PLUMMETS

( – In a potent new testimony to the moral bankruptcy of the left, the Democrat Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, has experienced a decline in her job-approval and favorability ratings, reaching a record low, according to a new poll.

The survey conducted by Siena College reveals that a significant portion of voters feel Hochul does not adequately represent their interests or exhibit decisive leadership, National Review reports.

The poll indicates that only 44 percent of respondents approve of Hochul’s performance since she took office in 2021, after former governor Andrew Cuomo’s resignation, while 50 percent disapprove.

Similarly, 49 percent of those surveyed hold an unfavorable view of her, compared to 38 percent who view her favorably.

Despite these unfavorable ratings, Hochul found support from New York voters for her recent decision to cancel the congestion-pricing program in Manhattan.

The program, which was intended to impose a $15 daily toll to alleviate traffic congestion, was supported by 45 percent of registered voters across various parties, compared to 23 percent who disapproved of the decision.

Suburban residents, who would have been most affected by the tolls, particularly endorsed this decision, with 56 percent supporting the indefinite postponement of the program.

Hochul cited the significant financial impact on New Yorkers as the reason for halting the program, though Politico suggested that concerns about voter reactions in upcoming elections might have influenced her decision more than publicly stated.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries supported the delay, despite his office claiming neutrality on the issue.

Additionally, Hochul has garnered approval for advocating a bill that prohibits social media platforms from targeting minors with addictive algorithm-driven feeds without parental consent.

After passing through the state legislature, this bill received substantial bipartisan support in the poll, with 70 percent in favor. Hochul plans to sign this bill into law shortly.

“Despite strongly supporting Hochul’s decision to put congestion pricing on hold, and even more strongly supporting the social media bill she championed, voters now give Hochul the lowest favorability and job approval ratings she’s had in nearly three years as governor,” commented Steven Greenberg, a Siena pollster.

He noted that while Hochul remains popular among Democrats, she faces considerable disapproval from Republicans and independents.

The partisan divide extends to perceptions of Hochul’s characteristics, with Democrats typically viewing her as hardworking and honest, whereas Republicans and independents are more skeptical.

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