DeSantis Wins Fight

( – Scoring a huge win against liberals, the Florida Supreme Court supported Governor Ron DeSantis’s decision to suspend progressive state attorney Monique Worrell.

The court ruled 6-1 against reinstating her, with Worrell planning to run in November to reclaim her position in the Orlando area after arguing that her removal last year was politically motivated.

Worrell claimed that DeSantis’s reasons for suspending her were too vague and encroached upon her rights to prosecutorial discretion.

However, the majority of the court, including five justices DeSantis appointed, found no issue with the clarity of the allegations nor with the claim that they related to her lawful discretion.

“We cannot agree with Worrell that the allegations in the Executive Order are impermissibly vague, nor that they address conduct that falls within the lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion,” said the majority.

Justice Jorge Labarga was the lone dissenter and emphasized the need for prosecutorial discretion, especially given Florida’s varying geographic and cultural influences.”

He said he was concerned that without such discretion, state attorneys could risk suspension simply for making selective prosecution decisions even though they are democratically elected by their constituents.

DeSantis suspended Worrell last August after accusing her of neglect of duty and incompetence due to her record of reducing or not pursuing charges against individuals accused of serious crimes, including violent offenses and drug trafficking.

Under Florida’s constitution, the governor has the authority to suspend state officers for “malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, drunkenness, incompetence, permanent inability to perform official duties, or commission of a felony” and can appoint a replacement for the duration of the suspension.

The Republican-controlled Florida Senate subsequently ratified Worrell’s removal.

Andrew Bain has been appointed to replace Worrell, which sets up a contest between him and the ousted attorney in the upcoming November election.

Worrell’s suspension marks the second time DeSantis has removed a Democratic prosecutor from office.

Previously, he suspended Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren after Warren pledged not to enforce Florida’s strict abortion restrictions. Warren has also announced his intention to seek re-election.

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