TONIGHT: Once-In-A-Lifetime Event Begins

( – In a once-in-a-lifetime event, Americans nationwide can prepare for the breathtaking arrival of Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS this Friday.

Skywatchers across the nation will witness this rare celestial event, promising a radiant display brighter than most stars without the aid of telescopes.

This extremely rare opportunity aligns with America’s upcoming Great Eclipse, marking the sky with unforgettable wonder.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, or Comet C/2023 A3, will grace the night sky, kicking off a series of astounding astronomical events in 2024, BGR reports.

This comet stands out as one of the extraordinary happenings anticipated, alongside Northern Lights displays and the famed Great American Eclipse.

The comet is expected to be visible to the naked eye throughout 2024, outshining the surrounding stars as it approaches the Sun.

Rarely do such events occur, with Neowise in 2020 being the last comet visible to the unaided eye in the U.S.

This weekend, U.S. skywatchers can see the comet at its peak brightness, which remains visible until mid-October.

Afterwards, a telescope or binoculars will be required as it fades from naked-eye visibility.

Astrophysicists describe the comet’s appearance as captivating, with a potential to become comparable in brightness to Jupiter.

This celestial body, first identified last year, presents an exceptional chance for observation.

“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said astrophysicist Gianluca Masi, cited by The Daily Voice.

Viewers are encouraged to locate the comet’s position southwest, about 10 degrees above the horizon, from a dark vantage point after nightfall.

As it draws ever closer, being only 44 million miles from Earth on October 12, enthusiasts are urged not to miss this sight.

The opportunity to witness Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS will not come again for approximately 800 years.

This week, particularly on Thursday through the weekend, provides the best chance under clear skies.

Americans will be able to seek out these moments to marvel at an event that truly defines the term “rare.”

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