Kamala’s Done with Joe?!

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris exit building with guards.

(DailyEmailNews.com) – Signaling a growing rift within the Democrat Party, Kamala Harris and her campaign team are desperately trying to throw Joe Biden aside as the election approaches.

In a stunning revelation, it appears the Harris campaign sees Biden as a liability rather than an asset.

According to Axios reporter Alex Thompson, the Harris campaign is actively avoiding joint appearances with Biden in the election’s final stretch.

This calculated move comes as Biden’s approval rating plummets to a dismal 39%, making him a drag on Harris’ already struggling campaign.

The Harris team’s reluctance to embrace Biden’s offer to campaign together has been described as a “slow-moving break-up,” highlighting the growing discord between the two camps.

This rift became even more apparent when Biden’s solo campaign announcement in Pittsburgh caught Harris’ team completely off guard.

“The campaign sends out a daily email of all the surrogates, including actors and actresses and members of the cabinet. They did not mention that Joe Biden was going to be in Pittsburgh on Saturday, even in that email,” Thompson revealed, exposing the lack of coordination and trust between the two camps.

As Harris’ team scrambles to keep a semblance of unity while distancing themselves from Biden, reports suggest that Harris has been privately asking about Biden’s mindset and health.

Adding to the chaos, some senior Biden aides are reportedly struggling to adjust to their new supporting roles after he was pushed out of his re-election bid.

“Now, Joe Biden, even some of the people on the Kamala Harris campaign, formally of the Joe Biden campaign, believe that actually the Kamala Harris campaign is underestimating his appeal in some of these smaller communities,” Thompson noted.

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