Democrats CAUGHT – ILLEGAL Moves?

( – As part of their campaign to influence the elections, the Pennsylvania Democrat Party has been caught recruiting poll watchers from out of state in potentially illegal ways.

According to a letter from the Republican National Committee (RNC), the Democrat Party’s website suggests that poll watchers do not necessarily have to be Pennsylvania voters.

This advice clashes with Pennsylvania’s state law, which requires poll watchers to be registered voters from the county where they are monitoring, the RNC pointed out.

“That’s a completely inaccurate statement regarding Pennsylvania poll watchers,” stated Linda A. Kerns, Pennsylvania election integrity counsel for the RNC.

She emphasized that local residency is a strict requirement: “A candidate can’t even enter the polling place unless he’s actually there to vote. If you want to be a poll watcher, you have to be a resident of the county where that district is.”

Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Hans von Spakovsky also slammed the state party’s recruitment strategy, saying, “The Pennsylvania Democratic Party is soliciting individuals to violate state law.”

The RNC’s concerns extend beyond legalities, suggesting that these recruitment practices could undermine the integrity of election results.

This is particularly significant given the close presidential race in Pennsylvania, where recent polls show GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and Kamala Harris neck and neck.

“It’s incorrect, and the last thing voters need is to have incorrect information like that spread,” Kerns added.

She argues that accurate and lawful poll watching is essential for ensuring voters have a seamless experience at the polls.

The RNC’s letter also raises alarm over the description of “early vote monitors” on the Pennsylvania Democrats’ website, who assist voters outside electoral offices.

The RNC fears that deploying these monitors could sow confusion and disrupt the voting process.

“This is an egregious misstatement of Pennsylvania election law,” the letter claims. The RNC urges a clear public clarification on what activities are allowed for poll watchers and early vote monitors to prevent any potential chaos during the elections.

Pennsylvania is a key battleground with the highest electoral count among such states, at 19 votes.

The state plays a central role in presidential elections, as it was crucial to the victories of Joe Biden, Trump, and Barack Obama.

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